Vocations Day 2025

The Commission on Ministry of the Diocese of Oklahoma will host its fifth "Vocation Gathering" on Feb. 18, at 6:00PM- 8:00PM (Zoom Meeting) and on Feb. 22, at 1PM-3:30PM (In-person at OKC Diocesan Center.)

Vocations Day 2025 is open to people considering discernment for Holy Orders and will be held both virtually and in person. Join Bishop Poulson and diocesan leaders to learn more about the process for discerning Holy Orders, education leading up to ordination, as well as new opportunities for lay ministry licensure. Vocations Day will include a panel of priests (full-time and bivocational) deacons, and lay leaders who will share their experience in ministry. Spouses are welcome. Sponsoring priests are requested to attend. 

Please communicate Vocations Day to your congregation in your bulletins and other electronic communications. Reach out personally and invite those persons who are ready to discern God’s call in a deeper way. 

If you have any questions, regarding registration, please contact Judith Rodriguez, Executive Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary at 405-416-5562 or jrodriguez@epiok.org.


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